
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Mumbai Blast : Indian Sentiments

The Mumbai blasts this evening, very unfortunate, is nothing new to India, and especially to Mumbai.  But the severity and the frequency of the attack is the one that imposes a lot of question on the government actions.  Even with such encounters, we are still a favored community for investments and businesses, is purely of the fact that we bounce back to normalcy at a faster pace than expected and the fact that we do not react to such attacks in a manner in which the international community will look at us with strong mind a clear eye.

There are two sides to the whole governmental issue of dealing with such attacks.  Though it is admissible that it is impossible for the government to ensure infiltration of people, arms or execution of such attacks, it also shows the level of seriousness in the the security measures followed.  And the government can only react and how fast they react is the question.  The other side of the issue is the actual reaction to such attacks.

India has been silent on such acts / attacks for a long time.  Think its high time we stood up and react to such measures.  When I say react, it is not in the same manner, but in a manner that the world will believe that we can react, retaliate and at the same time give some confidence to the Indians that the government has the backbone to react and face the international league.  If US can react to 9/11 and go behind countries to ensure the erasure of a one single person on earth, at the cost of multiple nations, people, families; this is also possible.  If the security council nations of the UN can ensure that India is not included into the council, this is also possible.  If China can ensure that they become one of the super powers in the next decade, this is also possible.  And what is lacking in India - is it intelligence, is it money power, is it execution talent, or is it the political courage to face up and ACT.  I think we have all the intelligence, execution power, money except for the will power to act.  Not sure why we should always be subdued by the US / UK forces and only submit to them on their terms.  And all this for what and at whose cost?? Its high time India goes behind the actual perpetrators and ensure they are exposed to the international community.  Am sure non of the so-called super powers will support us in finding - rather nailing - the people / group / nation responsible for such attacks, but at the same time they will not be able to negate our efforts when we expose them.

Hence, its high time we find the reason and the resonators for this attack and expose them internationally in a manner that none can discount the facts or the actions that we will take against them.